Tailored for wireless field testing
WIDRIVE provides secure, flexible, reliable centralized managed services and turnkey solutions designed to support short sessions and large campaigns of field testing from preparation to execution with the supply of logistic ressources.
WIDRIVE is committed to deliver anywhere anytime with powerful solutions built to support simultaneous and frequent short notice sessions requested at different locations in France and in some parts of Europe.
Fully compliant with regulation enforcement, vehicles are equipped with electric convertors to permit connection of few devices to the distributed power system and offer comfortable and secure environment for safely testing in motion.
Chauffeurs are professional drivers or qualified technicians with long experience in driving vehicle for mobile test purpose.
WIDRIVE is able to handle simultaneous and frequent requests spread across multiple locations and ordered on very short notice.
Fully tailored to Customer testing preferences and routines, solution is built to manage and support dynamic field testing operations in Europe with the supply of equipped van and driver on demand.
Remove burdens
✓ Place service requests on a single interface and execute plan anywhere anytime without delay or external constraints.
✓ Get rid of administrative tasks and burdens related to booking vehicle and driver in each and every location where testing is needed.
✓ Reduce number of suppliers, invoices and expenses with centralized facilities management and all inclusive package solutions.
✓ Easily cancel, interrupt or extend service based upon activity progress or rapid change of actions plan.
Improve operations
✓ Avoid managing unexpected logistic event that may affect your preparation or execution phase of testing with service interruption.
✓ Improve productivity of test work force with the use of equipped, comfortable and secure vehicle.
✓ Prevent shifting or canceling test sessions because of driver unavailability or required vehicle shortage.
✓ Reduce investment in electric items like power converters and avoid bothering field test team with carrying them while traveling.
WIDRIVE helps Customer to focus on objectives and execute timely with all inclusive Full Pack solution designed for field testing campaigns with tight schedule and high productivity requirements.
Answer machine
Answer machine for mobile originating voice calls testing tailored to handle high number of incoming calls simultaneously and play music endless or for a configured duration.
Network information
Information related to deployed infrastructure vendors, sites location, operating bands and frequencies for mobile systems, specific features and test routes available for French carriers and major European operators.
High perf server
France located servers are powerful machine providing high speed connection and bandwidth, suitable for data throughput testing and storage of large log files.
SIM card
Cards supplied for M1/NB1 and 4G/IMS/5G networks, available for leading mobile network operators in France and some European countries.